Tuesday 15 October 2019

Site Relaunch

Dear Readers,

For the past three years I have not posted any new content here, as all my writing has been published on other platforms, including a variety of local and national press and their websites.

Now I have decided it's time to recompile all my historic and ongoing work in one place again, but felt that I wanted to 'Re-Brand' my site to better reflect what it does - the name never really did make a great deal of sense!

To avoid confusion or breaking any links, I have now created a new site, onto which I have uploaded all the existing content from Liverpool50, and I am currently in the process of uploading all my other reviews from the intervening period, working slowly backwards.

Therefore, welcome to Sight Lines

Please follow the link above to see my new platform and to read updated content, and many thanks to all the readers who have continued to visit Liverpool50 in the meantime.

When you get there it might look a bit odd until I get the formatting the way I want it, but there will be a wealth of more recent stuff there to read through as I work through my back catalogue.

Some pieces will not appear on my new site until they have passed the appropriate time period to comply with copyright restrictions, whilst others can be published there immediately.

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